Thespa branding

The SPA implemented its product design using the colors Emerald Mint and Silver. The colors of Emerald Mint symbolize freshness and a pleasant feeling, making the shower time a refreshing and energetic experience. Silver, on the other hand, gives a modern and luxurious feeling, and emphasizes the quality and reliability of the product. These color combinations reflect the brand's innovative and sophisticated image, and provide consumers with a unique visual experience.

Design strategy

The SPA implemented its product design using the colors Emerald Mint and Silver. The colors of Emerald Mint symbolize freshness and a pleasant feeling, making the shower time a refreshing and energetic experience. Silver, on the other hand, gives a modern and luxurious feeling, and emphasizes the quality and reliability of the product. These color combinations reflect the brand's innovative and sophisticated image, and provide consumers with a unique visual experience.

Brand slogan and philosophy

The SPA's slogan, "Small Changes that Will Make Your Day More Comfortable," incorporates the brand's core philosophy. It values the small moments of everyday life and aims to provide products that add comfort and joy to the lives of its users. The philosophy focuses on enriching customers' lives and adding new values to their daily lives.

Myriad scenes of everyday life that are repeated like similar clothes, perfumes sprayed, and repeat marks every day.

Happy people who face the same face. Everyday scenes that naturally progress.

A small amount of time after work to remove the smell of a person, 

This short time, perhaps ordinary, happened to be a wonderful experience,

Now it has become my inevitable rest and small hobby and has settled down.

Memories of a hectic day become dull, and the skin touching the waves comes to me pleasantly.

consumer experience

The package aims to provide users with a comfortable and satisfying experience. Beginning from the moment you use the shower, the experience makes the simple daily shower extra special and refreshing. Consumers feel the quality and reliability of the luxurious package, and the use of the product gives them new life in their daily lives.

An object that touches every day, a brand that plants that experience

An insightful change, an experience that brings about positive changes in daily life A sincere brand that permeates everyday life. Furthermore, brand productivity that is considered essential and is the average of experience. A familiar and comfortable brand element.

Small but small changes, an experience that marks a good start The importance of small pieces of daily life that are known through changes in products related to washing and rest among daily routines that are commonly used. The Spa brand approaches from minor changes in daily life to positive gifts.

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외주용역 요청

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정부지원사업 활용 또는 상담 요청

브랜드 개발에 앞서 다양한 활용 가능 지원사업에 대하여 전문가에게 컨설팅을 받거나, 기존 선정되어있는 지원사업을 활용하실 수 있습니다.

상담/ 컨설팅 요청

전반적으로 브랜드의 전체적인 과정을 대면으로 상담하여 필요한 요소를 체크한 후 니즈사항에 맞추어 프로젝트 컨설팅을 진행합니다.

상호/대표자명 : 나인웍스 / 박재영 | 사업자등록번호 : 728-35-00866 | 통신판매업 신고번호 : 2022-고양덕양구-0487
주소 : 서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙로 161-8,5층 518호 나인웍스 

전화번호/이메일 : 02-6015-5650(평일업무)/010-5422-5650(상시)
nineworks Office, Room 518, 5th floor, 757, Magok-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul